Health Services
Phone: 860-628-3310 Ext. 24356
Fax: 860-628-3335
- Classroom Celebrations
- Entrance Requirements
- Health Screenings
- HUSKY Health Insurance
- Medication
- Notify School Nurse
- Reporting Absences
- When Your Child is Ill
Classroom Celebrations
No food products are allowed for birthday celebrations. Many students are on special diets and not able to partake in food celebrations. We ask for the cooperation and assistance of parents/guardians with the following alternative to food suggestions:
- Provide age appropriate pencils, bookmarks, crayons, safe favors, play dough, etc.
- Arrange with you child’s teacher to come to school as a ‘Guest Reader’ to celebrate the special day.
- Donate a book to the library in honor of your child's birthday.
- No matter what, please be sure to confer with your child’s teacher to ensure that any item you wish to send in is safe for that classroom.
No unplanned food is allowed in any other classroom celebrations that may take place during the school year.
Entrance Requirements
The State of Connecticut and Southington Board of Education require each pupil to have a complete health examination within one year before entering Kindergarten. The complete physical exam and required immunizations must be on file by the first day of school when entering Kindergarten. This physical should be filled out on the State of CT Department of Education Health Assessment Record (Blue Form).
Connecticut law require students to have certain immunizations upon entering school. Please check with your physician to assure that your child is up to date.
Health Screenings
Vision: Grades K, 1 and grades 3 through 5.
The purpose of vision screening is to identify possible vision problems and treat recoverable loss before it interferes with the learning process.
Hearing: Grades K, 1 and grades 3 through 5.
The purpose of audiometric screening is to identify students suspected of hearing impairments or middle ear disease. Through identification, appropriate medical, technological and educational services can be provided to minimize the adverse effects of auditory impairments on speech, language, educational and social-emotional development.
Postural (Scoliosis): Females in grades 5 and 7 and males in grade 8 except when completed during a physical within the same year. Any student who has documentation that they have been screened by their physician this year will be excused from postural screening in school unless parental request is made to the school nurse.
The purpose of postural screening is early identification of spinal deformities so that treatment can be initiated to prevent, if possible, the need for surgery and the discomfort and complications which occur with these deformities.
Referrals will be sent home for any results which require physician evaluation. Please return referral forms to nurse as indicated.
Pediculosis (Head Lice): As individually needed.
Screening programs are not a substitute for regularly scheduled examinations by your child's healthcare provider.
HUSKY Health Insurance
Connecticut offers low-cost or free coverage!
Healthy kids do well in school! Connecticut’s HUSKY Health program, for example, pays for doctor visits (including physical exams), prescriptions, emergency care, vision and dental care, mental health care, special health care needs, and more. It's for children under age 19 in families of all incomes.
Medications may be given in school by a school nurse or in their absence a principal or teacher that has been trained in medication administration. Written medication orders are required from MD or other authorized prescriber for prescription and non-prescriptions medications to be administered.
Medications must be in a pharmacy labeled container. The pharmacist will prepare two separate bottles if the medication is given at home and at school.
An adult must bring all medications to and from school. All medications are kept in the school health office unless there is a written self administration order by MD or other authorized prescriber (prescription and over-the-counter).
All medication should be picked up within one week following termination of an order or at the end of the school year by an adult.
Medication Administration Forms
Medication Administration Information
Notify School Nurse
In order for your child’s health needs to be met in the school environment, please notify the nurse of any health concern you may have.
If your child sustains an injury and is seen by a physician, it is important that a note is obtained from the doctor stating any restrictions (physical education, recess, stairs), the length of restriction time and need for casts, crutches, wheelchairs, or other ambulatory assistive devices.
Notify the nurse if your child has started a daily medication at home or was given a medication before school that may have an impact on their day.
Reporting Absences
Please report your child’s absence to the main office or through ParentSquare.
Please include any diagnosis of contagious illnesses, which will allow us to track clusters of illness in the classrooms.
Emergency Medical and Contact Authorization Information must be completed each year in your online SPS parent portal account. This provides updated parent or guardian information, emergency contact information and authorizes the school to render emergency treatment if necessary.